Security Software

Free ZoneAlarm Pro 2009

Hold on! This is not another crack, warez blog promoting piracy. And yes title of this post is also correct.  In celebration of Check Point’s 15th anniversary,  Check Point Software (parent company of ZoneAlaram) is offering ZoneAlarm Pro 2009 for 1 year for a single PC free of cost to everyone.

ZoneAlaram! What is that?

If you really don’t know, then you must need to use it. Please grab your copy as soon as possible and be protected. ZoneAlarm Pro contains a Firewall, Antispyware and ID Protection Service (including Credit Monitoring) normally costs $40. This offer includes a full year license for one PC and is limited to only one download per user.

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An excerpt from their site:

It’s our firewall’s birthday… and you get the gifts!

ZoneAlarm pioneered the personal computer firewall and our parent company, Check Point Software launched the first comprehensive enterprise firewall 15 years ago. We know how to keep the bad guys out. It makes us proud to know that our firewall protects every member of the Fortune 100, and is trusted by over 60 million people worldwide.

To celebrate, we’re offering you
ZoneAlarm Pro firewall absolutely FREE!

The promotion begins on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 6 AM PST and lasts until 6 AM PST on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.

To participate in and/or learn more about this promotion, please visit

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